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Healthy Weight

Too many Americans weigh too much. Two out of three adults and one out of three kids are overweight. Weight-related illnesses like diabetes, heart disease and stroke are on the rise. 

The fact that Americans drink so many sugary drinks is part of the reason we’re fat. In fact, no other food or drink in the American diet promotes weight gain as much as soft drinks do. Simply cutting back on sugary drinks can make a big difference in helping kids stay at a healthy weight.


  • Water is what human beings were meant to drink! Drinking water actually helps you have a healthy weight.
  • Sugary drinks pour on the pounds. Kids who drink them on a regular basis are more likely to be overweight than kids who don’t.
  • You’d have to bike for an hour to burn off the calories in one bottle of Coke. 
  • Drinking one can of soda every day could cause you to gain 10 unnecessary pounds in a year. 
  • Some kids drink close to 600 calories a day in sodas, fruit drinks and energy drinks. These are empty calories that cause weight gain.  Kids who drink too many of them don't get the good nutrition their bodies need. 

Don’t drink yourself fat. Drink plenty of water and keep sweet drinks at a minimum. Try these tips:

  • Cut the amount of sweet stuff you drink by half.
  • Keep cold water in the refrigerator.
  • Get a reusable water bottle and take it with you when you go out.
  • Order water at restaurants.
  • Drink a glass of water with every meal.
  • Drink water when you wake up in the morning. The body gets dehydrated while you sleep.